You are Mo, a skilled tinkerer, living with her family on a pastoral archipelago, once inhabited by an ancient race of inscrutable giants. Their otherworldly but vital machines, festering in the underbellies of the islands themselves, must be kept going or an almost forgotten threat will swallow all. Mo vows to restore the hidden engines in time, but is this truly what she needs?
- Wield the powerful Omni Switch throughout story-based environmental puzzles and platform gameplay to regain control over the giants’ machines.
- Face the dark truth beneath the islands’ surfaces and unravel an emotional poetic story, narrated by actress Megan Gay.
- Explore a fantastic handcrafted world across multiple unique islands, meet curious characters and creatures, and uncover the archipelago’s secrets.
© 2021 Studio Fizbin GmbH and Assemble Entertainment GmbH. All rights reserved.
windows Minimum
OS: Windows 7+ (64-bit OS required)
Processor: 2,5 GHz Dual Core
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce GT540 (1024 MB) / Radeon HD 5570 (1024 MB)
Storage: 2 GB available space
Directx: Version 11