The Black Friday Shopping Spree Season Is Officially Open

November gives us the opportunity to really go the extra mile with some of the most massive discounts and promotion possibilities throughout the year, so we are thrilled to announce our BLACK FRIDAY season as officially open! Not only are there going to be many great price drops on most of our available products, but we are going to make sure that the AAA game titles get quite the hefty reduction on their tags as well!
We have also prepared multiple types of prizes for the more active of you, so do not miss out on the chances for awesome bargains to take advantage of for the duration of this campaign.
Did we get you excited enough? Let’s go through the metrics and the three stages of the promotion together then! We are so happy and thrilled to present to you the:
Promotion dates: 27.11.2024 13:30 CET - 02.12.2024 15:00 CET
We begin by saying that the duration for this promotion marathon is going to last 5 whole days and will go through a few phases, so make sure to follow the rest of this article to get a good understanding of our concept and maximize your orders accordingly, since there would be constant discounts all through the promotion, but there would also be various prizes we are going to give out are tied to different periods and days during the campaign!
Phase ONE (1 Day): 5 Winners Get 10€ Each!
[27.11.2024 15:00 CET - 28.11.2024 15:00 CET]
On the first day of our promotion, 5 randomly-picked lucky customers that have placed a valid order in our store would be chosen and they are going to win 10€, that would be added to their profile balance in the form of YU Coins*, which could be then spent on any product listed on our website later on.
Phase TWO (3 Days): FREE GAME for Orders over 10€!
[28.11.2024 15:00 CET - 01.12.2024 15:00 CET]
During the second phase of the promotion, we are setting up the checkout process to include a special BLACK FRIDAY GIFT for any order above 10€ placed in the 3-day-long period we envision for this part of the campaign. When the order gets confirmed, you would get the gift added to the list of purchased games and when opened you would discover a free game title packed inside it. There is no limit on the number of orders you can make, so if you wish more free goodies, make sure to properly split your Wishlist into different parts that would all amount to more than 10€, just remember that this is going to happen between days 2 and 4 of the promotion.
Phase TWO extended due to higher interested untill 03.12.2024 15:00 CET
Phase THREE (1 Day): 10 Winners Refunded in YU Coins!
[01.12.2024 15:00 CET - 02.12.2024 15:00 CET]
The third phase would also be the final one and for it we would randomly select 10 lucky winners who would get fully refunded for an order that they placed during the last active day of our YUPLAY BLACK FRIDAY shopping spree 2024! No matter the amount you have spent we would give you back the same value in the form of YU Coins* added to your balance and you could then spend them on anything you wish in our website store, so the bigger orders you make during this phase, the better it could possibly pay off!
One thing is certainly for sure, there are going to be many awesome prizes and big price reductions for a total of 5 days and you should absolutely not miss on the chance to get your favorite gaming titles during this promotion!
*Please note that the available YU Coins amounts in the prizes can only be spent on products in our website store and are not available to be converted in any other currencies or transferred back to your bank account as cash in their money equivalent sums.
We always do try to deliver the best possible prices around and this promotion is not going to be an exception to this already established and seasoned rule! Until next time as we keep getting you informed about any exciting and interesting news in the world of gaming!
Congratulations to our lucky winners!
Date Email YU Coins Won
28.11.2024 [email protected] 10€
28.11.2024 [email protected] 10€
28.11.2024 [email protected] 10€
28.11.2024 [email protected] 10€
28.11.2024 [email protected] 10€
28.11.2024 15:00 CET till 03.12.2024 15:00 CET.
Everyone received a FREE STEAM GAME for order over 10.00€
Date Email Refunded amount
02.12.2024 [email protected] 5.98€
02.12.2024 [email protected] 10.19€
02.12.2024 [email protected] 18.10€
02.12.2024 [email protected] 6.01€
02.12.2024 [email protected] 1.96€
02.12.2024 [email protected] 4.61€
02.12.2024 [email protected] 3.21€
02.12.2024 [email protected] 17.96€
02.12.2024 [email protected] 2.94€
02.12.2024 [email protected] 32.50€